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2014-02-10 20:22

On there is an option available to vote for For us, it is very important to have a top rating over there, since the page is redirecting possible new managers to our little game.

This is why we ask you to vote on that page. But there are some rules, given by that other page:

- You can vote once per month from each source IP-address
- You receive a so called Cookie from that page, and the Cookie is blocking other voting attempts for our game for the actual month
- You have to visit the page via the Button below. if you enter the page directly, no feedback will be given to us, and we cannot award any Credits in that case

But if your Vote is considered to be clean, to be valid, the page will notify us, and we will give you in return 1 Credit!

We do not expect to be every vote for the option "Best", but we would appreciate it - really! Better ranking = more redirected new managers = more fun! From time to time we will award extra Credits to our users if the ranking is climbing :)!

Once you made your vote, you could just click "Play!" on that page, and it will return you to And this click on "Play!" gives us some more Credit on that page btw...

Thank you for helping us!

Rating (2 users):

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