2014-02-14 16:35
May I quote: "The winner of this category is the usual top rated team in our monthly rankings. So of course it is no surprise to see that game on top here. And it is also the same winner as last two years. Obviously a really good game.
The winner is the dominant game in this category. Best rating and best popularity by far. I wrote the same last year, and it is still truth. Other game creators should do a lot of work to change this next year. The second placed game comes from the same creators, it is just a modified game with the almost same logic."
Source: http://www.onlinesportmanagers.com/article/151-american-football-game-of-the-year-2013-red-zone-action/
This means nothing else than RedZoneClash.org is the runner-up in category "American Football Game of the Year".
We think this is just amazing, because RedZoneClash.org opened its doors during the second half of last year, and was therefore able to pull more votes during half a year than other games during the whole year.
We would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout the year, no matter if it was by supporting the game with money, with ideas, with spreading the word. A special thank you goes to the members of the BoA for your ongoing advice, to all the managers acting as mentors, and of course to all of you filling our forums with posts, helping new managers and so on.
On a sidenote: RedZoneAction.org is the winner. This is great news as well. It means we received awards for both the winner and the runner-up. And it means, we did not get beaten by other game concepts as well, which is of course great news as well.
RedZoneAction.org and RedZoneClash.org - proud sisters.
We wish you a nice weekend
Preachie and Pete
Tags: News